Blogs Cokodeal press release Featured Uncategorized

Gold Exports: Cokodeals’ Partnership, Secure Shipment, and Convenient Payment Solutions

In the fast-paced world of gold trading, Cokodeals stands as a trusted partner, committed to ensuring efficient and reliable transactions. Through strategic partnerships with a prominent Chinese gold firm and trusted third-party collaborators, we offer a comprehensive approach to facilitate gold exports. Additionally, we provide secure payment solutions to enhance the convenience and transparency of […]

Blogs How to Guides Investment Online store sales

How to export agricultural product in Nigeria, terms and guidelines an export marketplace for foodstuff and commodities. Cokodeal platform supports businesses to connect with international buyers and succeed daily. If you find this article valuable, kindly share with others. “We rise by lifting others”  SELL HERE DISCOVER THE SECRETS OF EXPORTING WITH AN EMPTY BANK ACCOUNT, NO EXPERIENCE, NO OFFICE APARTMENT AND AT YOUR OWN […]

Blogs sales

Where to buy cheap wholesale foodstuff for small scale suppliers in Lagos, Nigeria an ecommerce marketplace for foodstuff and commodities export platform supports hundreds of businesses to succeed daily. If you find this article valuable, kindly share with others. “We rise by lifting others” Lagos is a market place. As the commercial hub of Nigeria, there are many market places in the city. Traders bring goods from […]

Blogs How to Guides sales

How to start foodstuff supply and export business with small capital an ecommerce marketplace for foodstuff and commodities export platform supports hundreds of businesses to succeed daily. If you find this article valuable, kindly share with others. “We rise by lifting others” SELL HERE Foodstuff business is one of the most lucrative opportunities, as food consumption is in continual demand as man lives, it will forever sell […]

Blogs Cokodeal press release Featured

This ecommerce helps get US, UK, Europe buyers for foodstuff suppliers in Africa

Cokodeal Limited helps local producers in Nigeria supply stores and warehouses, Nigeria foodstuffs in UK, US, Canada, Brazil, Europe and Russia. a leading exporter of commodities and foodstuffs platform has launched a direct foodstuffs supply to stores in US and foreign countries, majorly Afro stores and warehouses. Cokodeal Director of Communications Akin Omotere says […]

Blogs How to Guides Investment sales

Businesses to start with small capital that makes good money returns.

Cokodeal platform supports hundreds of businesses to connect with international buyers and succeed daily. If you find this article valuable, kindly share with others. “We rise by lifting others”  SELL HERE Starting a business could be risky and capital intensive Understanding a good place to invest is a very good place to start. while you […]

Blogs Cokodeal press release Featured

Get export contract and foreign buyers on this ecommerce marketplace

Reports say Nigerian export is worth NGN 994.3 billion in June 2017; While a huge sum of this figure is dominated by crude oil export, over the years non-oil export is gradually growing- thanks to Government’s focus to increase foreign exchange. However, while Government get credit for their commendable work over the past few years, […]

Blogs Cokodeal press release Featured

marketplace platform provides SMEs advertising services and advisory

Cokodeal marketplace platform provides SMEs advertising services and advisory. Launched in 2014, Cokodeal is a digital advertising platform for SMEs, allowing businesses to drive sales via its digital marketplace. It offers small businesses marketing and increased visibility, and also offers business advisory services to guide an international commodity trader on fees, documentation and best practices. […]

Blogs Cokodeal press release Featured

This information can save your business. If used

An interview with cokodeal team and how it helps businesses become successful online.   Tell us about Cokodeal and the solutions you’re offering. is an advertising platform for SMEs and an international commodity trade advisory company for indigenous businesses in Africa. Cokodeal solutions includes; Accessibility to goods produced by manufacturers, farmers and indigenous […]

Blogs sales

Sales dropped for made in Nigeria goods: but this changed it

Market accessibility and quality of made in Nigeria goods have been the core challenges posed at local producers in Nigeria and Africa at Large. Others include infrastructure, power, logistics and bottle neck barriers to trade. With challenges highlighted, sales have dropped for many local producers, however many Nigerians still find different methods to get through […]