How to Guides Online store sales

Genuine tips in doing business over the internet

It is amazing that internet  offers the biggest opportunity ever in history, however there are challenges for individual and companies to harness it.

What could be the challenge, is it information? technical requirement? hard work? or Scepticism? In this article, we won’t be able to solve the entire puzzle of opportunities available on the internet and how best to take it all. But we would highlight the backbone on which of doing business online and getting returns.

No get-rich-quick schemes: first to establish, this is not a get rich quick scheme, and it is just a guide to those who are really ready to run their business and make good returns from it. There are so many messages and people on the internet today doing one thing or the other but there is only one truth and key to doing business over the internet, and aside this, you’re just a means to an end for some people. And that is you must have a product you are selling digitally or physically for you to make money through the internet.

And on this basis, this is to all business people producing unique products that you want the world to see- Africa’s local content; products produced in Africa. This can benefit you and your business.

What are you selling?

The first question you need to ask yourself is what are your selling? You should be able to describe it to anybody what you are selling. Let it be clear what you do and what you sell. For example, Ankara bag making, African beads and artworks, make-up, fresh fish, fashion designing, agro-products, and more.

Once you have what you’re selling, you can then move to the next question by asking, how can I use the internet to support my business?

How are you going to sell them? – Through which medium?

Now this is the most interesting part, should I just go ahead and create a website and describe my business and my products? And when I do that, how do I get people to start viewing my site so I can start making sales? How can people know about my website? How much does it cost to advertise on the internet? How much traffic do I need to make good sales?

The fact is, every business wants to get as much sales and money in as compared to the money they have invested in the first place, and every way to optimize the business resources is the responsibility of the business owner. It is a beautiful things to have a website for your business, but it is another thing to set it up, maintain it and promote it. Hence, since your aim of taking your business online is to do business and meet business people, there can be other cost effective way, without actually creating a website that would cost you hugely to promote.

Online store-front e-commerce platform

The online storefront ecommerce marketplace platform helps businesses to leverage on these platforms and have an effective online presence that can bring gains to their business. These platforms offer subscription privileges to its users, so they can list their products and provide every useful information about their business.

Already, there are loads of these online store creation platforms in Africa, it is advisable to make sure your choice is such that you can get real value for your money. So here are some tips to help you make the best decision

What is the vision of the company? What are their offerings? Are their offerings beneficial to my business? Does the cost outweigh the benefit or vice versa?

When you’ve decided using these questions, then you can now move on to subscribing and then be positive that your business would be moving to a higher level.

Cokodeal is Africa’s largest online platform for business exposure. It is where business people across Africa meet to do business.

Its mission is to connect intra-inter Africa trade to global market.

It is positioned as the pioneering platform for trade of Africa’s local content within Africa and to the global market

Over time, it has supported hundreds of businesses in Africa to become successful by promoting their businesses to thousands of prospective buyers and giving them technical support through

Businesspeople in Africa create online store on everyday and they make tremendous returns on their investments.

Why don’t you get started right away! Follow link

Cokodeal is proudly African! connecting traders!

By Raymond A

International trade and export specialist. Content manager at

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