

Exporting is the act of producing items or offerings in one Nigeria and selling or buying and selling them to some other united states. The period export originates from the Latin words ex and portable, which means to carry out. The counterpart of exporting is importing, that’s the purchase-sale of products from acquired from every […]


CONTRACT SOURCING; You can now earn big finders fee in one deal by sourcing for export contract for Nigeria exporters

  You can now earn big finders fee in one deal by sourcing for export contract for Nigeria exporters Export contract is an international purchase order, which would be signed by both the buyer/importer and he seller, the exporter before a legally binding international trade can take place between them. Getting export contract therefore is […]

How to Guides Investment Online store sales

How to find your first local buyer or foreign customer online

You have a product you want to sell and you’re looking to find foreign buyers. You’ve  heard about and how it provides a platform for seamless electronic transaction and a system for smooth business transaction between seller and buyers in export trade across Africa, so you decided to create a store hoping to boost sales. […]